one and all! Life rather suddenly become busy for me and something had to give
for a while, which ended up being this blog; it wouldn't quite work to stop
playing WoW but keep blogging about it now would it.
In an
effort to bring me back into the fold the guild leader of my WoW guild -
Frostwolves (Saurfang) - nominated me as one of her 'Liebster' victims. The way
it works is that a blogger will give 5 other bloggers 11 questions to answer.
Those nominees must then answer those 11 questions, provide 11 facts about
themselves, and then put 11 questions to 5 other nominated bloggers. I'm not
sure if I know any other bloggers to nominate but at the very least I can do
the first two parts! So here we go, the 11 questions from Navimie of The Daily
1. Who is
your favourite villain and why?
I think my favourite villain would have to be Agent Smith from the Matrix. While never truly evil, he is hell bent on riding the Matrix of its human interlopers. This coupled with his ability to evolve and adapt make him one of my favourites.
2. What sport do
you wish you were really good at?
This could be in part from watching some basketball anime recently, but it is
also a sport where there is both significant teamwork, and opportunity for
individual excellence. On top of that there is the capacity to out-think and
out-play an opponent. Otherwise it just looks like fun!
3. Tell me who is your favourite Disney character and why?
3. Tell me who is your favourite Disney character and why?
from Tangled. Apart from just being an excellent movie I like her boundless
optimism, her adventurous nature, her non-judgmental acceptance of people, and
her abilities with a frypan!
4. If you were
granted one wish of anything you wanted, what would you wish for?
I would want the ability to go anywhere, do anything and not be harmed by it. I
would also want to live for a long long long time. Both of these stem from the
fact that I want to know what is out there in the universe, and to explore the
depths of our oceans. Both are unknown and full of potential wonder, however
both have huge risks involved. The pressures in the deep ocean are immense, and
if anything goes wrong death is the likely outcome. Similarly out in space if
something goes wrong no one will be out there to help, you are on your own.
Also space is huge. There are suns out
there that would take over 1000 years in a jumbo jet to circle, so even if we
could currently explore the depths of space, it would be an exploration as a
species, not as individuals as the time frame is just too large.
5. What is the
dumbest thing you have done in regard to your computer?
I was
building my computer from parts for the first time, and had just finished
screwing everything in. Sam and I plugged it in, flicked on the power, and
nothing happened. In my ignorance I thought that maybe the switch on the power
source itself needed to flicked as well. So I flicked the switch, there was a
pop, a smell of smoke, and the sinking feeling that that I had just made the
problem worse.
6. If you had the
ability to go back in time, who would you want to meet and what would be the
one burning question you would ask them?
I've never
really thought about this kind of thing, which is might be stange given that I
did a history degree. If I had to choose I would probably want to speak to
Terry Pratchet, and to ask him how he developed such an interesting way of
viewing the world.
7. You have won a
Nobel Prize! What do you wish you won the prize for?
Creating a
successful model for a world government. Following on from question 4, if we
were to ever colonise other planets we would need a structure that allowed for
the whole of the human race to be governed - the reason for governance being that
if we wanted to maintain our societies ethics and morals while such vast
distances from Earth it would be necessary to have governments in place. As our
species spreads further and further national boundaries and governments would
become mroe insignificant, and governance on a global scale would become more
efficient and necessary. In order to achieve something like this without
conflict would require huge obstacles between cultures being overcome. There
are obvious ones such as Isreal and Palastine, or the USA and China, but there
would also be future concerns such as how does Africa fit in to something like
this. Should they ever rise from their third world status would the be
mechanisms to afford their representatives a say, and the influence they deserve.
The EU is an interesting prototype in this regard, and how they come out of
their own financial difficulties will be telling on the underlying strength of
their model.
8. Which would be
more devastating, loss of hearing, loss of vision, or loss of both hands.
I think the
loss of both hands would be the worst. I prefer doing things to talking to
people, and I like a level of independance. Should my hearing go I could still
write, type, paint, and play computer games, it would just be a less fulfilling
experience. In the case that I lost my sight I could still play music with
others. However if I lost my hands I could no longer paint, type, play music,
or be independant - I would have many more difficulties in every day chores
such as cooking and cleaning, or even hugging my girlfriend. I think the loss
of both hands would easily be the worst.
9. In World of
Warcraft, who would you like to see as a boss encounter one day, and how would
you design that fight.
I would love to fight Genn Greymane, the faction leader of the Worgen. Every time I see him on the loading screen he makes me want to play Worgen, so it would be fun to fight him, and to get loot that could make me look like him!
While I'm not sure on the specifics I think I would want the fight to involve the worgen curse somehow. I'm thinking that it would be a no tank fight, whereby DPS has to manage threat in a way that allows pretty much the whole damage portion of the raid to be attacked by Greymane at some stage. I think I would achieve this by having Greymane place a stacking debuff on a player he aattacks, maybe once every 5 seconds. While Greymane himself would only do nominal damage, this debuff would reduce healing by 15% or so per stack, and if you reach 5 stacks you are transformed into a Worgen, essentially being mind controlled and attacking your allies.
The way to beat this fight would be to use tools such as fient, feign death, BoP, vanish, tricks of the trade, misdirection, and others, to transfer threat from player to player. You would also need to make good use of personal defensives for the later stages of the debuff. For normal I would not make the DPS requirement too high as inevitably the weaker DPS classes may end up being benched for a fight like this, but I think threat is something that has become fairly irrelevant in today's WoW so this would be a chance to explore it again as a fight mechanic.
10. What is the
most embarrassing thing you've said to someone you wanted to impress?
I seem to have erased most embarressing things I have said from my memory, but
one embarressing thing I've done that springs to mind involves when I was first
getting to know my now girlfriend. We
met playing in a youth band together, it was auditioned each year so I hadn't
met her previous to rehearsals starting for the year. After a couple of weeks
we started hanging out after rehearsal (after 9:30pm) before heading home. In
the second week of this I was feeling particularly energetic and in the mood to
impress and I suggested we climb a tree.
So up I
went, climbing particularly well I must say, and we ended up sitting on a
branch roughly 3m off the ground. We sat up there for 30 minutes or so,
swapping stories and such, and then decided it was probably about time to head
home, so we needed to get out of the tree. I was still feeling particularly
bold and thought this would be a good opportunity to further impress with a
smooth, athletic dismount off the branch. It was only as I started swinging
under the tree that I realised this tree had quite large thorns! In my haste to
ascend the tree I had managed to miss this crucial fact, and it was now quite
an issue.
As I swung
underneath the branch, with my hands and legs over the top holding me on, I
managed to get some of my clothing caught on thorns. Initially I had planned to
release my legs, hold on with my hands, and then drop the reduced height to the
ground, being careful not to roll my ankle on the roots at the base of the
tree. These thorns caused me to hesitate, and wonder how I was going to
dislodge myself. My as yet not girlfriend asked, with a mixture of concern and
humour, if I needed a hand getting down from the tree. As some of you males out
there may understand, this was like a red rag to a bull; there was no way I was
going to accept any assistance getting out of this tree! I spent a couple of
seconds seeing if I could dislodge my clothes easily, but nothing was willing
to move.
Now I swear
this was a case of my brain skipping my conciousness and sending directions
straight to my limbs, but rather than continuing to work my clothes loose my
body decided that the best course of action was just to completely let go, so
thats what I did. In front of the girl was trying to impress I failed to
dismount elegantly from the tree, and instead clumsily fell like a stone,
straight onto my back from a height of about 3 metres. Thankfully I didn't have
to endure the ignomy of injuring myself on top of all this, and in the end it
all worked out, but that would be the most embarassing thing I can think of
doing while trying to impress someone.
11. You've been
chosen to go onto a game show! Which game show would you go on?
It would have to be the Block. While I have no
particular interest in going on a renovating show, my girlfriend is dying to go
on it, but I don't wish to apply until I actually know something about
renovating. So if I had the choice it would be the Block, because while I have no
particular game show I want to go on, I would be in trouble if I chose
11 Things you
didn't need to know about me.
1. I'm a Law and
History Graduate, recently returned from a year in the UK and currently looking for law related work
2. I've been in a
relationship with my girlfriend for over 6 years now. She was the first girl I
ever worked up the courage to ask out, and despite her being the only
girlfriend I've had I have never wondered if the 'grass might be greener' so to
3. I don't drink
carbonated beverages. Ever since I was young I have always retched at the feel
of bubbles on my tounge. Testing of this occured in the form of coke being left
out for three days to go flat; no success, it tasted as bubbly to me as a
freshly opened can. For some reason this also applies to guiness, which my
Irish friends assure me has no carbonation. This preference of mine has led to
my girlfriend canvassing my family and friends to see whether I should be
forced to drink champagne at my wedding; its a losing battle for me but I shall
endure until I prevail!
4. I don't really know
how to make friends without my twin brother around.
5. I love reading,
thought it tends to be in a fantasy genre. My favourite authors include, Robert
Jordan, Terry Pratchet, J.R.R. Tolkein, Branden Sanderson, and Terry Goodkind.
6. I enjoy reading
rules. Whether it is different class abilities in WoW, Army and Rule books in
Warhammer, or a 200 page D&D supplement, I love thinking of the different
ways rules can interact, and on a surface level, what combinations are strong.
7. I am currently
learning how to play the saxophone.
8. I prefer Alliance
to Horde. My very first character was a dwarf, and my favourite two races are
Dreanei and Worgen. I've always been more of a 'good guy' kind of person, and
while I hold great admiration for characters like Thrall and Cairne, and have
very fond memories of them from Warcraft 3, I still prefer the Alliance.
However, despite this preference, I have been a member of the Horde faction
since Wrath of the Lich King. Initially all my real life friends were Horde
players so I swapped over, and since then I have just ended up in Horde guilds.
9. I like looking at
the stars and just taking in the moment.
10. I think very
factually; I don't tend to believe a persons story on face value, and like to
know the circumstances surrounding it. This is odd in that I also tend to
automatically trust what people say, and struggle to disbelieve them. I guess
the two can be reconciled with point 4; While I think the best of people I also
know they can get things wrong, thus any inconsistencies are honest (as opposed
to malicious) mistakes, so while no one is actively lying, often people are
incorrect despite their best intentions.
11. I worry about being
a nuisance to others - I normally won't push my own interests for fear of
creating inconveniences to others. This also transfers into job-hunting - my
base assumption is that people don't need any more employees and that me
dropping in applications is annoying for them. Looking at it objectively I can
see that there are huge holes in that methodology, but I still cringe initially
when thinking about it.
Questions for
1. Dogs or Cats?
2. Are you a grammar
3. Is skydiving your
kind of thrill, or is it just a foolish way to risk death?
4. Lawyers; societies
leeches, a necessary evil, or welcome members of the community?
5. Where is the best
place you have ever visited?
6. What is the appeal
of clubbing?
7. What would you
prefer - money, fame, or power?
8. If the Prime
Minster of Australia came to you offering to give you his or her place in
government (and the relevant party had no objection etc etc) would you become
the Prime Minister of Australia?
9. Do you like being
the bad guy/girl?
10. Karaoke; Super fun
or a mortifying experience?
11. What song title best
describes you?Nominations
I'm afraid I don't have any specific nominations, however instead I would invite anyone who reads this blog to answer the questions, and then post in the comments section with a link - it's up to you if you want to participate, and I would be very interested to see anyone's answers!
Well I shall answer here... this will be a super long reply!
ReplyDelete1. Dogs or Cats?
Well, I would have said dogs a few years ago but now I’m not so sure. I like patting both. I don’t want to keep either. I keep rats, so I am going to say neither.
2. Are you a grammer Nazi?
No, but I am a spelling Nazi. And your post is full of spelling mistakes Arelion eg. GRAMMAR.
3. Is skydiving your kind of thrill, or is it just a foolish way to risk death?
Skydiving is something that I think unless you are some sort of rescue person, armed forces or a pilot, it serves no function. I suppose if you do it as a sport (ie making those cool formations and stuff) then that’s ok, but I don’t quite see the purpose of an occasional jump.
4. Lawyers; societies leeches, a necessary evil, or welcome members of the community?
I think people don’t understand what lawyers are for and therefore feel like they pay money for something that the value of which is unknown to them. But in law, just like in medicine, there are a lot of unscrupulous people who charge a lot of money for not much service, which gives the rest of us a bad name. I think they’re welcome because I don’t understand law stuff. It’s one of those things I gloss over and make someone else do for me.
5. Where is the best place you have ever visited?
Blizzcon is the best place I have ever visited, I think. If you can count that as a place. It’s an event, really. However, the best place I visited was Karni Mata Rat Temple in India. It was fascinating and I love rats. I was blessed because one of the rats jumped on my leg. But boy were my socks filthy after that. We all threw our socks out.
6. What is the appeal of clubbing?
It doesn’t appeal to me, but I imagine that it’s the drugs, the dancing, being with your friends, taking drugs.. maybe? But different strokes for different folks.
7. What would you prefer - money, fame, or power?
I thought the answer would be easy – money. If you have enough money then you can be comfortable. I’m not sure if I’d be comfortable being famous and having my every stop dogged.. .and with power, I think that it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have because then you can make things happen (which would not happen just because you have money). But after I measure it all up, I would still say money.
8. If the Prime Minster of Australia came to you offering to give you his or her place in government (and the relevant party had no objection etc etc) would you become the Prime Minister of Australia?
This is like that power question. Do I want to have power? But the answer is no. The scrutiny that comes with the power is a burden I can’t handle.
9. Do you like being the bad guy/girl?
No. I always like being the good guy/girl. Being bad to others and seeing others being bad to others upsets me.
10. Kareoke; Super fun or a mortifying experience?
Karaoke is fun if you can sing. I am a very average singer but I like it. Singing in public is mortifying. Spelling, Arelion… KARAOKE.
11. What song title best describes you?
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead” by Bon Jovi. Because I am always doing something. And sleeping is just a waste of time.
1. Dogs or Cats?
ReplyDeleteCats. Dogs are too friendly for me. Not that I would own either, but Cats are lesser of two evils.
2. Are you a grammar Nazi?
3. Is skydiving your kind of thrill, or is it just a foolish way to risk death?
I don't think skydiving foolhardy, but I don't have the bravery to do it.
4. Lawyers; societies leeches, a necessary evil, or welcome members of the community?
I you create a system of rules so complicated that you need lawyers to manage it, they end up justifying their own existence. Now we live in a world where the specificity of lawyers on laws are essential.
5. Where is the best place you have ever visited?
Wonderland Sydney! I loved that theme park! I guess also seeing the Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains was good as well.
6. What is the appeal of clubbing?
Not for me, but I would guess socialising and such.
7. What would you prefer - money, fame, or power?
Fame without money or power would be a hell. Power would be nice, but having financial security of lots of money is the best of the three.
8. If the Prime Minster of Australia came to you offering to give you his or her place in government (and the relevant party had no objection etc etc) would you become the Prime Minister of Australia?
High Speed Internet for everyone. A real equal wage bill for the genders. Stop exporting uranium. Put back in the Carbpn Tax. A whole heap of other things that would see our economy be destroyed as a result of my mismanagement.
9. Do you like being the bad guy/girl?
I always feel guility in RPGs when I decide the bad option. I always prefer to be good.
10. Kareoke; Super fun or a mortifying experience?
Super fun!
11. What song title best describes you?
Tacky by Weird Al!!!
Seriously answer: Vitriol by Bluejuice.
Thanks for replying guys!
ReplyDeleteAnd my apologies on the spelling, I didn't give myself time to proof read it - I shall fix it up now!
1. Dogs or Cats?
ReplyDeleteDo I need to answer this one? Even strangers know this. CAAAATTTTSSS!
2. Are you a grammar Nazi?
Yuuuup, but a stealthy one who just judges people and snickers behind their backs.
3. Is skydiving your kind of thrill, or is it just a foolish way to risk death?
Nooooo way, I don't want to die like that! But bf has done it, and he really enjoyed it.
4. Lawyers; societies leeches, a necessary evil, or welcome members of the community?
I think like any profession as long as you endeavour to do good and not take advantage then you are welcome!
5. Where is the best place you have ever visited?
This is lame but my parents house is the best place I have visited, not only is their new house amazing, it is filled with so many pictures and trinkets that make me feel all warm and happy when I visit.
6. What is the appeal of clubbing?
I used to frequent clubs a lot, goth and metal clubs specifically. I suppose the appeal to me was hanging out with friends but as I got older, going out to clubs every weekend became less appealing.
7. What would you prefer - money, fame, or power?
I don't really desire any of those, but money I guess. I don't want fame or power.
8. If the Prime Minster of Australia came to you offering to give you his or her place in government (and the relevant party had no objection etc etc) would you become the Prime Minister of Australia?
Hell noooo! However, I couldn't do worse than Abbott...
9. Do you like being the bad guy/girl?
In game, yup! Irl, no way!
10. Karaoke; Super fun or a mortifying experience?
11. What song title best describes you?
Short People - Randy Newman!