Sunday, 1 February 2015

Warhammer Goal Month 1 - Failure

So apparently three models are not as 'eminently doable' as I had originally thought. My first monthly goal was indeed a failure, however there were still some valuable things to take out of it.

1. I may not have painted that much, but I did get some painting done. This is more colour than this guy has seen for 18 months, so while I didn't achieve as much as I had planned, some progress was made. 

2. What painting I did, I quite enjoyed, which is great!

3. One of my weaknesses is agonising about how something will turn out before I have actually done anything, so I made an active effort to just get some paint on the model in general, we shall see how it all turns out.

4. I want to work on my blending through multiple thin layers. All the red on the model is just the one red. I used a wash over the top, and then started blending back up to the original red - the best example of this is on the spiky foreleg guard on the beasties front left leg.

For next month I am going to roll over this goal and see if I can get these guys done. I am enjoying painting them at the moment so as may as well keep going with it.

Wish me luck!

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